BOOKS ARE FUN IS HERE AGAIN! Catch him while you can! He will be back to fill orders and collect money on Tuesday, February 2nd – come place your order before then!
Don’t forget – you can use the library computers to file your taxes online. The only cost from the library is for whatever copies you print off or make. We also have the instruction booklets and tax forms here – and can print any of forms you may need for a minimal charge.
 The weather has been keeping everybody indoors and it sounds like we’re not done yet. A lot of folks have been stopping in to check out some books to read on these really cold winter nights.  Doesn’t that sound nice? All cozied up at home, mug of hot chocolate on the table beside you, maybe some warm cookies and a great book in your hands. That is my kind of day! If it sounds like you too, then come check us out and check out the newer books on our shelves or our rotation books from the South East Kansas Library System.
 If books aren’t your thing, then maybe you’d like to check out a movie. Remember they’re free and you get to keep them for one week.
 We are going to have to start charging fines on overdue or lost or damaged books. The rule has been in place for a long time now, but we have not ever really enforced it much. Please just be aware, if you have items checked out, there will be a fine on them if they are late being returned. If you have any overdue items right now, please return them ASAP and we may be able to waive your fees for one time only. If you cannot find the book or do not turn it in at all, you will be charged the amount of the book. If the item(s) are still not returned or paid for, by law, you could be charged with theft and have to go to court, and we don’t want that for anyone in our community. So please remember to return things on time. You CAN renew items over the phone by calling us, or sending us an email atÂ
 CONGRATULATIONS!!! To all of our Library Board Trustees who all recently became certified by the state of Kansas to be Library Trustees. They endured five different classes to earn this certification. According to one source, Longton Public Library is the only library in Southeast Kansas to have their entire board certified. Thank you and congratulations to: Irma Bish, Bob Dougherty, J.R. Ferguson, Kathy Ferguson, Flora Fielder, Kay Miller and Avanelle Rankin. They will be receiving their certificates during our February Board Meeting.
 I want to remind everybody again about our website –Come check it out at
 Our next board meeting is February 2nd at 5 PM at the library.